Industry Today: The World of Manufacturing

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Manufacturing M&A: Doing Deals in a Reset World

Many manufacturing companies are cautiously shifting gears from retrenchment to expansion as business activity revives and credit markets improve. After nearly two years of focusing on cash and liquidity preservation and cost reduction, they are now looking to build capacity and explore growth opportunities. Read More>>

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Industry Today - Wake Up Call

Observations from Abroad

As America drifts toward Europe, Asia is stepping up. For some paying close attention, developments may be discomforting. Read more>>



Stanislaw: “’Green’ isn’t the ‘Magic Bullet’”

A recent white paper issued by Deloitte LLP points a new path toward clean energy, jobs and security. “Green” initiatives, indicates author Joseph A. Stanislaw, Ph.D (a world-renowned financial advisor on international markets), aren’t a panacea but... Read more>>


Social Media: Which Platform Best Serves Your Business

Social media is ubiquitous but overwhelming. Titan SEO’s Amanda Finch examines the trend and suggests how businesses can most effectively deploy the technology to best suit their specific needs. Read more>>


Gaining Traction

How do electric vehicles figure into the future U.S. market? The public clamors for energy efficient vehicles, and automotive manufactures appear willing to embrace a new business opportunity. So why aren’t we all driving around in hybrid vehicles? Deloitte’s Craig Giffi provides his insightful observations. Read more>>


General Aviation: Ready for Recovery

The general aviation industry had shown steady progress toward recovery but fell into what appeared to be another stagnant period. Aviation market advisor Brian Foley sees no cause for alarm. The industry hit a speed bump but will continue on the road to recovery. Read More>>

The latest news from associations highlights legislative issues as well as trends that affect industries across the board.

The Robotic Industries Association's (RIA)

Industry Today: Construction Industry Adds Jobs - But With a Caveat

The Robotic Industries Association’s (RIA) newly selected chair, Dean Elkins, envisions robotic deployment beyond upon envisioned purposes. Further, he intends to amplify the RIA message through RIA events and activities, Bennett Brumson reports. Cont.>>

Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)