The latest issue of U.S. Industry Today is ONLINE NOW; click on and read it FOR FREE. Inside you'll find articles and commentary on issues that affect your business in today's global environment as well as profiles on leading companies that are making a difference in industries throughout the world. Highlights include:

Begging for Money

With the U.S. running a current deficit of $176.4 billion, the Treasury is obsessed with attracting foreign money into the economy, ignoring the security risks this could create William Hawkins argues.Read more >>


Everybody's Listening

When candidates talk, they just don't speak to the audience at hand, but to audiences in Canada, Israel and across the world. In an era of instantaneous global communications, what's said in one place never stays in one place, as Reginald Dale relates.


The Price You Pay

Economist Donald A. Norman explains how the price of oil will continue to rise unless world production expands sufficiently in a new MAPI report.


Oil Rich

Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva says Brazil may become 3rd-largest oil producerRead more >>

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