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The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a key vote letter today to Congress urging both the House and Senate to vote to override the President's veto of H.R. 1495, the conference report for the "Water Resources Development Act."

The Chamber feels this bill is long overdue and provides the coordinated federal agenda we need to better protect our country against severe weather and flooding and to facilitate commerce at our nation's waterways and ports. The passage of H.R. 1495 would provide the Army Corps of Engineers with the resources they need to undertake hundreds of flood control, navigation and environmental mitigation projects over the next two years, and ensure that transportation demands are addressed.

As demand for freight transportation grows due to the rapid increase of international trade, we need to be more vigilant about the maintenance and improvement of our transportation infrastructure system to ensure our productivity and competitiveness as a nation. For these reasons, the Chamber strongly encouraged Congress to override the President's veto of H.R. 1495 and pass the Water Resources Development Act into law. The Chamber will consider using how members voted in their annual How They Voted scorecard.

The letters can be viewed at: