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Date: 1 / 30 /2008
News Release
ABMA Website Undergoes Major Makeover: User Friendly Enhancements Aid Information Dissemination
The American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA) has upgraded and improved its website to better serve its members and provide the general public easier access to timely information about the boiler and combustion equipment industry.
A key improvement to the site (www.abma.com) is the enhancements made to the associations Electronic Statistics Program, which provides industry data to its membership. New data collection and reporting techniques have been incorporated to allow faster and more comprehensive analysis, according to ABMA president Randy Rawson.
The association contracted IT Cadre of Northern Virginia to improve its website image and operations. The firm also is hosting the site using a content management system that allows ABMA staff to make controlled changes.
Using the expertise of IT Cadre, we have improved the appearance of our website, made it easier to use, and allowed for better and faster dissemination of industry information. Together we have incorporated an improved credit card processing system to the site for our meetings and education courses and literature, and have enhanced our online buyers guide to make it more robust and integrated with our management reporting, Rawson reports.
ABMA, headquartered in Vienna, VA, is the national nonprofit trade association representing commercial, institutional, industrial and electricity-generating boiler system manufacturing companies.
IT Cadre (www.itcadre.com) is an engineering and development firm, based in Sterling, VA, that leverages a unique methodology to provide technology-driven solutions to companies, trade associations and government agencies.