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Date: 9 / 10 /2007
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
News Release

Great Lakes Conference To Include Pacemaker Demonstration Session

The Great Lakes 2007 Conference is a new event designed to provide exposure, education, networking and marketing opportunities for manufacturers in the Great Lakes region. The conference will focus on timely innovations in manufacturing and will provide alternative solutions for economic growth in the automotive, aerospace, and furniture industries through diversification in the growing area of the medical industry.

A highlight at the conference will be a pacemaker presentation on Tuesday, September 18. The session, entitled “Theory into Practice: How a Pacemaker Can Help Improve Heart Function”, will bring the technology, medicine and human factor full circle. Tom Keegan from Metronic will discuss the technology that fuels the pacemaker. Dr. Timothy Shinn, cardiac physician at St. Joseph Mercy Health System and Caren Cichon, registered nurse at Michigan Heart will then discuss how the medical field uses the pacemaker to make hearts beat stronger. Finally, their patient – SME Life Member Jim Beavers - will be hooked up to a monitoring device to demonstrate how the pacemaker and the medicine come together to save a life. Mr. Beavers believes, “the Mitral Valve Repair and the Implanted Medtronic Pacemaker have given me a second chance at life. My energy level and outlook on life have been greatly enhanced.”

Conference Highlights

Plant Tours and Presentations – Tours will begin with presentations by representatives of the host companies who will share their challenges and successes with attendees. Jim Zawacki, CEO of GR Spring & Stamping, Inc. will discuss “Doing Business with the New Domestics” and Chris Oleksy, president of ATEK Medical will discuss “Supply Chain Executive: The Make or Break Business Proposition.”

Business Review Q Series Forum: “Shifting Gears: Manufacturing Innovations” – The Q Series forum brings together manufacturing leaders to discuss the rapidly changing terrain of the American industry. (Separate registration fee apply.)

Technology Theater – Grand Rapids Community College, SME and West Michigan business have teamed together to present case studies on how local manufacturers have improved their bottom line. Attendees will hear from small and medium sized companies on how they have implemented lean, facilitators and educators will discuss training for advanced manufacturing jobs and presentations will be given by exhibitors on the latest manufacturing technologies.

Networking Reception – The Right Place and West Michigan Science & Technology Initiative will sponsor a free conference reception on Tuesday, September 18.

Careers in Technology, Manufacturing & Engineering – SME members bring educators, students and parents to participate in the SME Careers in Technology student event where they will learn about careers of the future, see the latest manufacturing innovations, and participate in hands-on activities.

Model Mania Competition – Sponsored by Solidworks, students and practitioners can test their skills at creating a 3-dimensional model.

For more information and registration, go to www.sme.org/greatlakes or call

About SME:
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is the world's leading professional society supporting manufacturing education. Through its member programs, publications, expositions and professional development resources, SME promotes an increased awareness of manufacturing engineering and helps keep manufacturing professionals up to date on leading trends and technologies. Headquartered in Michigan, SME influences more than half a million manufacturing practitioners and executives annually. The Society, which celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2007, has members in more than 70 countries and is supported by a network of hundreds of technical communities and chapters worldwide.