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Date: 3 / 7 /2007
News Release
New Board Members and Officers Announced at AAFAs Annual Executive Summit
At the conclusion of the recently held American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) Annual Executive Summit, AAFA chairman Wes Card, Chief Operating Officer, Jones Apparel Group, turned the AAFA chairmans gavel over to Peter Gabbe, Chief Operating Officer, Carole Hochman Design Group.
Card announced the new slate of officers who will work with Gabbe in 2007-2008: vice chairman Carol Hochman, President & CEO, Danskin, Inc.; treasurer Killick Datta, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Global Brand Marketing; and secretary George Derhofer, Senior VP, Global Operations, Imagewear & Outlets, VF Corporation.
Gabbe said, I am very humbled by the support of the membership in selecting me as chairman. I have made many friends in my years of involvement with the association, and look forward to having the opportunity to give back to this industry. It is a time for concern. With a new congress; changing sentiment on our trade agenda; and an administration lacking broad based support, we need to remain vigilant on critical issues.
Attending their first Board of Directors meeting at the Summit, were new Board members Rick Darling, President, Li & Fung USA; Joel Feldman, President, Operations, Byer California; John Higdon, President & CEO, Capital Mercury Apparel, Ltd.; and Michael Mansh, President, Pennsylvania Apparel LLC.
The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), Arlington, Va., is the national trade association representing apparel, footwear and other sewn products companies, and their suppliers, which compete in the global market. AAFA's mission is to promote and enhance its members' competitiveness, productivity and profitability in the global market by minimizing regulatory, commercial, political, and trade restraints.