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News Release
New Industry Coalition Formed To Promote Woody Biomass Utilization and Markets

Forest industry stakeholders have joined together in a new coalition to promote energy production from woody biomass – logging and mill residue that can be used for energy production.

The new Woody Biomass Coalition aims to provide advocacy, education, information and outreach to public and private entities to promote research, development and funding for sustainable woody biomass utilization and markets.

An initial focus is developing strategies to ensure inclusion of woody biomass in the upcoming Farm Bill, such as eligibility for renewable energy tax incentives and inclusion in renewable energy research and deployment programs.

Authorization for farm program funding expires Sept. 30, 2007, and the Administration’s 2007 Farm Bill proposal includes $1.6 billion in new funding for renewable energy programs. Among the new proposals is a $150 million wood-to-energy program and a plan to provide $100 million to cellulosic ethanol.

“The need to diversify our nation’s energy supply is an important issue, and the industry has come together in a coordinated effort to spotlight woody biomass in the policy discussions,” stated Daniel Dructor, Executive Vice President of the American Loggers Council, one of the coalition founders.

The goals of the Woody Biomass Coalition include reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil and improving the nation’s national security position, as well as improving forest health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Another goal is to create new markets for renewable fuels, including woody cellulosic ethanol, which will promote economic opportunities and growth while supplying a sustainable supply of woody biomass for all biomass/bioenergy products.

Participants in the coalition include: Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference, American Forest Resources Council, American Loggers Council, Associated Oregon Loggers, Association of Consulting Foresters, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Blount Inc., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Company, Forest Landowners Association, Hancock Forest Management, Intermountain Forestry Association, Montana Logging Association, National Association of Conservation Districts, National Woodland Owners Association, Society of American Foresters, Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association and Southeastern Wood Producers Association.

The coalition has established an informational website - – which provides background data and links to related informational resources. For more information contact Danny Dructor of the American Loggers Council at or Kara Heideman of Association of Equipment Manufacturers at .


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