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News Release
AEM to Serve on Board of National Accreditation Agency

Darrin Drollinger of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has been named to the Board of Directors of the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB). Drollinger is AEM’s vice president of statistics, technical and safety services.

ANAB is the U.S. accreditation body for management systems, including ISO 9001 quality and ISO 14001 environmental management systems, as well as other industry-specific requirements. It is a joint effort of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality (ASQ). The group also cooperates with other accreditation entities worldwide to ensure that accredited certificates are recognized internationally as well.

The ANAB Board is responsible for policy, strategic planning and financial operations and performance.

AEM has become more active in the conformity assessment community, recognizing the rapidly changing global nature of business and increased potential for more certification and regulation of the off-road equipment manufacturing industry.

“We believe it’s prudent to increase our knowledge of and involvement in certification and accreditation processes, especially as they relate to increased production efficiencies, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage and ease of trade,” explained Drollinger. “We will thus be better able to manage certification issues in a strategic forward-looking manner for the benefit of manufacturers and their customers.”

ANAB is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is financially self-supported. More details are available on its Web site –


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