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News Release
Aec Elects New Board Members; Werner Family Continues Its Legacy Of Industry Service

The results of the annual election of officers and directors of the Aluminum Extruders
Council (AEC) were announced at the 58th Annual Meeting & Leadership Conference on
Friday, March 23, 2007 in Coronado, Calif.

Craig Werner was elected to serve his first one-year term as Chairman of the council. “I am delighted to accept the position of Chairman of the AEC as the next phase of serving our industry. The Werner family has always cherished our participation and service to the industry, particularly with the AEC and its ET activities,” said Werner. “My great uncle, Leo, was one of the founding members of the AEC and a past Chairman, as was my uncle Dick; Bob Werner was General Chairman of ET for over 20 years and Howard Solot served in key leadership roles on committees and as AEC Vice Chairman for many years. I am proud to be leading the AEC, as a third generation Werner, in the chairman's role. I will continue the tradition of service, leadership, and providing value to the council consistent with the Werner family's heritage, and will also do so by directly providing my assistance to member companies in optimizing their operations and implementing solutions,” said Werner.

Werner went on to comment, “The council continues to be active and crucial to its
members, and we continue to be blessed with an amazing collection of member volunteers who help us to drive our industry forward. I thank our outgoing board members for their leadership. I am excited to have such a talented board with which to work, composed of experienced members and some terrific new additions. I know that we, and the many other volunteers working diligently on AEC committees, will work together as a team to help our members excel.”

Tom Schabel, President and CEO of Alexandria Extrusion Company in Alexandria,
Minn., was elected to serve his first one-year term as vice chairman. “The Aluminum Extruders Council is a cornerstone of the aluminum extrusion industry worldwide,” said Schabel. “The council has had a significant impact on the industry from which we have benefited at Alexandria Extrusion Company. It will be my honor to continue to serve the council.”

Curt Rone was elected as an at-large member of the executive committee and Rand Baldwin was re-elected to the non-voting position as president of the council. Thomas Hutch, Jr. was elected to the position of immediate past chairman.

Three new Independent Extruder Directors were elected to the AEC Board of Directors. Tom Ellis, President and CEO of EBE Precision Extrusions in Bensenville, Ill., is a 35-year veteran of the aluminum industry, with a concentration in extrusion. His experience ranges from sales and operations management positions with large corporate, multinational, multi-plant operations, as well as a family-owned one plant extrusion businesses. In June 2006 he led a group of family and friends in the purchase of Precision Extrusions where he serves on the ownership's Managing Board. Ellis is an active member of AEC, having served as the vice chairman of the council's marketing committee. Ellis has also served in the past as a judge for the ET Foundation's International Aluminum Extrusion Design Competition. Herbert Schuler, Jr. is president of General Extrusions Inc. in Youngstown, Ohio. He has been a member of the AEC marketing committee. Schuler joined General Extrusions in1990 and was appointed vice president in 1998. Robert Swartz is vice president of Custom Industrial Products for Kaiser Aluminum in Sherman, Texas. Swartz is an active member of the council and currently serves as chairman of the marketing committee.

In addition, James Foy, President of Foy, Inc. in Farmersville, Texas was elected as
supplier director. Prior to starting Foy, Inc., an aluminum extrusion industry software company, more than two decades ago, Foy had 11 years experience in the extrusion industry in positions ranging from industrial engineer for Alcoa to president of Texas Extrusion Corporation. Foy has been a member of AEC's Business Information Committee.

John Casaldi, Sales Director, North America Extruder Market for Alcoa Primary Metals in Pittsburgh, Pa., was elected as producer director. Casaldi has been a member of the council's program advisory committee. Remaining on the board are independent extruder directors John Noordwijk, president and CEO for Sapa, Inc. in Portland, Ore., and Duncan Crowdis, president of The William L. Bonnell Company, Inc. in Newnan, Ga.

The Aluminum Extruders Council is the association of the world’s leading manufacturers of extruded aluminum profiles: The Shapemakers. For more information, contact AEC at 1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214, Wauconda, IL 60084.
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