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News Release
AEC Management Conference Focuses on the “Green Revolution”

With the theme, “Adjust, Advance, Achieve: Management for a Sustainable Future,” the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) will be focusing on the “Green Revolution” and aluminum's environmental benefits for a sustainable future at the 2007 Management Conference, Tuesday, September 18 through Thursday, September 20, in Chicago, Illinois. The Conference will feature sessions that address aluminum's environmental attributes and ways in which aluminum extrusion industry professionals can make the most of the “green” movement sweeping the industry and, indeed, the world.

The AEC Management Conference is one of the Council's most popular events that is designed to benefit executives, technical staff, and production managers by providing an educational program that encourages a deeper understanding of the latest aluminum extrusion industry issues. “The AEC Management Conference provides tools that extrusion industry professionals – from the CEO to the technical and production staff – can use to improve their operations and their effectiveness,” said AEC Vice Chairman Tom Schabel, President of Alexandria Extrusion Company in Alexandria, Minnesota.

“The program focuses on business, management, and production-related issues from an extrusion industry perspective – something that is unique to AEC educational programs. That's one of the reasons that AEC conferences are so popular with
extruders,” explained Schabel. “This year's program will supplement the Council's recently launched campaign to raise the profile of aluminum's environmental benefits for a sustainable future.”

The General Session on Wednesday features popular Management Conference speaker Dr. Robert Genetski, one of the nation's foremost interest rate forecasters, who will deliver his Economic and Financial Outlook. Then, Genetski will lead a panel of experts in the Extrusion Spotlight: Aluminum is Green panel discussion. Genetski will reveal his thoughts on the “Green Revolution” and its impact on the aluminum industry.

Other panelists include Sandy Faurot, a commercial architect for architectural, engineering, and planning firm RTKL Associates, and Allan Bennett, Vice President of Business Development for Hydro Aluminum's extrusion unit in the United States. The
panelists will share their perspectives of the sustainability movement on the architectural and aluminum industries, respectively. Other Wednesday program highlights include a preview of ET '08 – the Ninth International Aluminum Extrusion
Technology Seminar and Exposition – the industry's most respected and anticipated event, as well as a reception featuring tabletop displays from AEC Supplier Members and a networking dinner.

Focus Sessions on Wednesday afternoon include 11 custom-designed topics that cover a range of issues in four subject-specific tracks. In keeping with the conference theme, the Surfing the Green Tide track will feature sessions that address environmental issues important to the aluminum extrusion industry. “What's Hot in Climate & Energy Legislation…and How it will Affect You?” presented by AEC Washington Counsel Dick Penna of VanNess Feldman will take a critical look at the wave of new climate and energy legislation efforts and regulations, including the new energy bill and the comprehensive Greenhouse Gas and carbon dioxide emissions policies. Aluminum Alloys for an Environmentally Friendly Aerospace Industry,” presented by Dr. Subodh Das of Secat, Inc. – a renowned expert on aluminum recycling and sustainability – will
explain new alloys and new applications that are being designed to meet the market's need for environmental sustainability. Additional Focus Session

tracks include Efficiency, the Ultimate Competitive Advantage, Business-Building Tools, and Examining Future Trends. Other Focus Session highlights include “Lean Production: Case Studies from the Chronicles of Six Sigma,” a session presented by
representatives from Werner Extrusion Solutions, LLC, that incorporates elements from a highly rated session presented recently at the AEC Extrusion Process Optimization Workshop; “Connecting to Your Customers,” presented by Morris Binder of Bottom Line Connection, that debuts a new customer survey project for AEC members; and “A Peek into the Future: Aluminum Prices and Global Market Trends,” presented by Jorge Vazquez of HARBOR Intelligence, who will share his viewpoint on the global aluminum and alumina markets and why the export boom from China is here to stay. Thursday's program is equally strong with an Industry Analysis and Forecast from metals equity analyst Lloyd O'Carroll of Davenport and Company, a Special Report: Saving American Manufacturing from celebrated manufacturing consultant Michael Collins, and a Closing Presentation from entrepreneur and business consultant Marty Grunder on “Ten Traits Every Leader Must Have.”

A brochure containing detailed program and registration information is available on the AEC Web site at For more information, contact AEC at .

The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC), established in 1950, is an international association dedicated to helping manufacturers, engineers, architects, and others to discover why aluminum extrusion is the better material process for better products. Specialized conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetings throughout the year provide an outlet where AEC members can confront and solve today’s challenges.

More than 150 member companies represent primary aluminum producers and other industry suppliers in addition to aluminum extruders operating hundreds of extrusion presses in hundreds of plants worldwide; these are the world’s leading manufacturers of extruded aluminum profiles – The Shapemakers. For more information, contact AEC at 1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214, Wauconda, IL 60084. Telephone: ; fax: ; e-mail: . Visit the Council’s website at


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