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News Release

The 2007-2008 Buyers' Guide, the directory of Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) members, has a decidedly "green" look. The newly redesigned directory proclaims the many environmental benefits of extruded aluminum through editorial features, including articles focusing on sustainable aluminum in the green building and green power markets. With an eye toward promoting aluminum extrusion's material and process advantages to designers, architects, manufacturers, and others, the 2007-2008 Buyers' Guide contains the latest information supplied by AEC Members, including newly expanded listings for Supplier and Producer Members.

A colorful layout, attractive photos, and interesting facts about aluminum's recyclability give the revised and improved Buyers' Guide a fresh and exciting new look. Included in the guide are fact-filled feature articles describing the benefits of aluminum extrusions, including recyclability and sustainability. "Sustainable Aluminum Essential to Building a Greener Skyline" discusses, in detail, some of the many ways extruded aluminum supports sustainability within the building and construction sector. "Green Power:

Aluminum Extrusions Support Solar Technology" outlines how aluminum extrusions play a key role in the new Nevada Solar One project, the 64-megawatt solar thermal electric generating plant in Boulder City, Nevada. The solar frame design utilized extruded aluminum and improved the way of connecting tubular elements at odd (more) AEC Promotes Aluminum's "Green"

Attributes with 2007-08 Buyers' Guide angles with the fewest components and fasteners yielding a 34-percent more accurate
solar mirror than the nearest competitive design. Facts about aluminum's many environmental benefits spread throughout the book round out the appealing and information-rich publication.

As in past editions, the Buyers' Guide offers a comprehensive directory of AEC aluminum extruder members and features such information as company headquarters, plant locations, contact names, press sizes, maximum circle size, forms produced, and
types of services offered for extruder members, representing the majority of aluminum extruders in North America, as well as international extruders. For convenience, the guide is arranged alphabetically, geographically, and includes an extensive and easy-toread capabilities chart. In addition, the 2007-2008 Buyers' Guide features expanded entries for AEC Supplier and Producer Members that includes names and full contact information; previous issues of the Buyers' Guide only listed Supplier and Producer Members' company names, contact names, and e-mails.

The Buyers’ Guide, an essential aluminum extrusion industry resource, was mailed to nearly 15,000 designers, architects, engineers, and material specifiers, as well as AEC members. It is available at no cost; visit to request a copy today.

The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC), established in 1950, is an international association dedicated to helping manufacturers, engineers, architects, and others to discover why aluminum extrusion is the better material process for better products.

Specialized conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetings throughout the year provide an outlet where AEC members can confront and solve today’s challenges. More than 150 member companies represent primary aluminum producers and other
industry suppliers in addition to aluminum extruders operating hundreds of extrusion (more)


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