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The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) joined free trade supporters at a Washington, DC Capitol Hill rally on Sept. 10 hosted by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns also participated.

The purpose of the rally was to help provide momentum for advancing a liberalized trade agenda that includes passage of free trade agreements for Latin America (Columbia, Panama and Peru) as well as renewal of presidential Trade Promotion Authority.

The association reiterated its plea to Congress to enact legislation approving these free trade agreements (FTAs) so that American manufacturers and workers can reap the benefits of these negotiations.

The Congressional passage of these free trade agreements would reduce tariffs to zero on industrial equipment immediately or over a 10-year period. Additionally, the agreements would allow trade in remanufactured goods. This will provide significant export and investment opportunities for U.S. firms involved in remanufactured products such as machinery and supply parts.

AEM also continued to advocate the renewal of presidential Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to enhance U.S. negotiation of such bilateral as well as multilateral trade and investment agreements.

A longtime supporter of fair and free trade, AEM is the North American-based international trade group serving the off-road equipment manufacturing industry (agriculture, construction, forestry, mining and utility).

This industry relies on export as well as domestic business, and during the event AEM distributed brochures which outlined the benefits of free and fair trade to its members, especially small and medium-sized companies. In the brochure were real-life accounts of how global trade has been vital to these smaller companies’ success and future growth.

For more information contact AEM's Ann-Marie Padgett ().


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